One night, in the middle of the night, I was awakened to this word: Solelation. I was asked —or rather told— to write it down....
What does this word mean?
SOLE (the sole of the feet)
SOUL (one's Soul)
SOL (energy)
SOL (A Benedictine monk who was also a master of music named Guido d'Arezzo used a system called Solmization. He assigned the notes of the scale—C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C—a syllable: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do. Sol is the sound of G in this system
ELATION meaning extreme happiness
From the meaning of this word, and the practical application and techniques used in sessions, I knew this work was not only inspired but brought from some where and some thing greater than my self.
Solelation is comprised of two parts: Technique and Method.
Solelation Technique is essentially "hands on". The focus of the work is to unlock and release physical, energetic and emotional traumas as well as stuck patterns that create toxicity, pain, discomfort and stress in the body. A session almost always begins with the feet or the "sole" of one's body. I often think of the feet as a window into the Soul and a way to open dialogue and trust with the body. A combination of sound and movement is used to assist in releasing stuck patterns of thought, behavior and trauma held in the body (bodies). The sounds come through my body and are often times assisted by Ancestral and Healing Guides both mine and yours.
Even after one session clients report that they feel relief from chronic pain, physically and emotionally lighter, deeply relaxed and happier. Which in turn, allows a person deeper access to their heart and soul and able to connect their everyday life with Heart Consciousness.
Solelation Method is a practical how to guide and practices/tools designed to awaken you to where you are at. The focus is to learn to be fluid.... to recognize Where you are being stuck in various patterns of thought and behavior and choose a different location. If you don't know where you are at you are unable to navigate. We all get stuck within our patterned mechanical mind and patterned behaviors. When you believe this is who you are, you remain unable to move or shift into an awakened I AM state. Solelation Method is about Awakening and Consciously choosing where you are at so that you can become fluid.