This Mystery School is designed to allow the student to make conscious choices on their personal spiritual and emotional development. 

welcome to THE solelation FOUNDATION

modern day

mystery shcool



Solelation Method is a practical how to guide and practices/tools designed to awaken you to a conscious knowing of where you are and to choose where you want to be. The focus is to learn to be fluid.... to recognize Where you are at a given moment whether that is being stuck in various patterns of thought and/or behaviors and choose a different location. If you don't know where you are at you are unable to navigate.  We all get stuck within our patterned Mechanical Mind and Patterned Behaviors.  When you believe this is who you are, you remain unable to move or shift into an awakened I AM state.  Solelation Method is about Awakening and Consciously choosing where you are at so that you can become fluid. 

From all Spiritual Masters and Teachers we have been taught to become ONE and to awaken to our I AM True-Self State of Being. ONE with what? HOW?  How to connect and consciously choose to live from I AM, my TRUESELF within my Heart.  Solelation provides the answers to this quest and is a practical how to guide.

This Mystery School is designed to open one up to Radical Awareness.  Only when you know where you are at can you hope to navigate to where you want to go.  If you were on the Ocean, on a boat and did not know where you were located and the navigation system was either broken or you did not know how to use it you would be lost. If we use this analogy with our body, our vehicle we can discover a great deal. Imagine your body is a ship and that you are meant and designed to be the captain of this ship.  A good captain needs to know all the parts of the ship. Where the various parts of the ship are located, what they are called and how and when to use them. A good captain has to know where they are going. Know the terrain… what the weather is… what is on the horizon… what is coming and how to adjust to avoid disaster.

Our bodies are that ship. Are you a good captain? Do you know the parts of your ship? Do you know how to consciously navigate? Do you know when you are in the Mechanical World of Patterned Thought and Patterned Behavior?  Do you know what the Will is and where it is located and how to exercise it so that it serves our hearts intention?  The same can be said for all the parts of our ship that is of the Organic World. These bodies we are born into are our ship… our birthright. Solelation is a Teaching and a step-by-step guide to assist us to become Radically Aware and if we choose to become fully Awake.

The Solelation Foundation Mystery School is an affordable membership online course chosen so that these teaching and practices can reach as many people as possible.  The program is step-by-step, broken down into modules that can be accessed as you proceed through the program.  Several exercises and practices are provided and necessary to proceed. Either weekly or bi-monthly webinars and access to all recorded past webinars. Individual coaching is also available.


Awakening to living Radical Awareness is not for everyone. This work although simple is not easy. It requires a real commitment to one's True Self. All of us have been living and identifying with a  limited idea of who we are.  We all share a collective unconscious that we are driven by.  We have wounds, traumas and beliefs that affect us chemically and biologically. we are driven and act out of thoughts we believe our are own.... To come to an understanding that we are not who we "think" or "behave" as were have ALL of our know life is a great risk ... and for some... too much of a risk to seek who we truly are... in the unknown.